Are You looking to...
- Choose a new direction because the universe has tipped you out of your bucket?
- Navigate your midlife crossroads, with clarity, certainty and confidence?
- ReWire... not ReTire - and live your best life in your 3rd Act?
Book a free call now with Ali & Ron and we'll help you decide on your 1st step to
kick-start your ReWiring journey
We can help you
ReWire Your Life!
so that you live the happy, healthy, abundant and meaningful life you desire and deserve.
From our personal experience, we know
The Best is Yet To Come!

Hi, we're Ali and Ron

As the creators of the ReWire Your Life Program, we love connecting with people and inspiring them to Rewire, Reinvent and Reignite their lives and to live their best life possible.
We’re a couple of ‘last century’ Kiwi corporate models who still feel (and try to act at times) like younger models than we really are!
People tell us they love that we’re always laughing and looking at the brighter side of life – in spite of the curve balls that have come our way.
One such curve ball came our way at the end of 2007 when Ron was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This had a profound effect on both of us and impacted some of the things we loved to do – such as sailing our own 35 foot yacht most weekends and our career choices.
We’ve worked together in various roles since 1989. Our belief systems have always been closely aligned and we compliment each other in skills, experience and style – a very Yin and Yang combo.
Ali describes herself as a Heart-Connected Reignition Catalyst who helps people reconnect their hearts and minds and Ron as a Purpose Reignition Engineer inspiring people to Rewire solutions to achieve their dreams.
We look forward to hearing how we can help you Rewire, Reinvent and Reignite your life.
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Here’s comments from some of our amazing Clients: